Easy CHMM Maintenance Points!

Recertification for the CHMM credential requires a minimum of 200 points.  Up to 100 of those can be earned by working full time in the industry; you can claim up to 20 points per year in the 5-year cycle.  The remaining points, at least 100 of them, are earned by engaging in activities that are listed in the CHMM Recertification Blueprint. 

Here is a way to earn some easy recertification points: Table 6 of the CHMM Recertification Blueprint allows up to 20 CMPs for each year of volunteer service in a leadership position in an organization which serves those who practice in the field of hazardous materials.  Both FET and the CHMM Chapter are acceptable organizations.  Since the points are given only for leadership positions, that includes chairing any of the many FET committees, volunteering as a Chapter officer, serving on the FET Board, or holding an elected position in the CHMM Chapter.  Consider throwing your proverbial hat in the ring – there are two elected CHMM Chapter positions each year – President-Elect and Secretary.  Here is the best part: there is no limit on the number of service points you can claim, so if you serve for five consecutive years, you have 100 easy points.