Annual Chapter Meeting Minutes 4-5-2017

Meeting started at 5:10pm, Wednesday, April 5, 2017, after the completion of the HazWoper course held at the new Hampton Inn located on Greenfield Avenue in West Allis, adjacent to and south of State Fair Park.

In attendance:  Bob Evangelisti, Cheryl Moran, Kevin O’Brien, Anthony Montemurro, Ken Fries, John Spahr, Fred Ringle and Troy Stucke.

Bob Evangelisti opened the meeting with the agenda and slides presented via Powerpoint.  Selected items of note:

 – Bylaws require a minimum 4 meetings per fiscal year, July through June.  Today’s annual business meeting serves as the third meeting of the current fiscal year.  Briefly discussed was the need for a fourth meeting by the end of June, possibly a Chapter meeting and tour in May, or an event in June if needed.  The suggestion for the May meeting was a possible tour of the Orchard Park Landfill.  Bob said he’d follow up, possibly with Liz.

– Training was discussed.  The number of participants of today’s training on HazWoper was up from the number attending last year.  The upcoming EHMM course is scheduled for July 25-27, 2017.  Nothing has been finalized for the subject and timing of a possible Fall 2017 seminar.  Tony Montemurro mentioned that the schedule is being finalized in May for the Fall 2017 FET Conference, so if a seminar were to be held during that event, there is still time to fold it in.  Otherwise a program outside of the Conference should be coordinated with the FET office.

– Recertification was discussed, as well as a comment that several CHMMs in the chapter have let their certification lapse.  Tony commented that Matt Redmann mentioned that IHMM was pursuing inclusion on its website information that would convey the options for reinstatement.  Current status is unknown.

– Membership was discussed.  Cheryl mentioned that FET was pursuing changes in the annual FET membership renewal process that may allow for additional visibility to all members of communications such as the monthly newsletter.  The current roster of members who are CHMM certified may possibly see an increase as a result.  Several attendees at today’s training expressed verbally that they were interested in pursuing CHMM and/or CHMP certification.  It is noted that there were no CHMM/CHMP brochures included in the FET materials that were on hand during today’s HazWoper training.

– It was noted that there was a lack of information, especially during the FET Conference, focused on the CHMP certification, for both obtaining and maintaining it.  Those in attendance today thought this could be a renewed opportunity for additional members. 

– The meeting ended with a suggestion of possibly setting up CHMM meeting sometime during the Fall 2017 FET Conference, and a reminder of the Park Cleanup reminder for Saturday, April 22.  New location, and prior signup is preferred (for a rough headcount), BUT still come if not signed up!

Meeting adjourned at 6:15pm.  Any questions, comments, corrections, or omissions, are welcome.

– Troy Stucke, WI CHMM Chapter Secretary